Press Releases


April 26, 2023

Pictured from l-r: Harris Oberlander, Trinity Alliance; Ellen Sax, MVP Health Care; Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan; ACPHS President Toyin Tofade; Wendy Parker, The Collaboratory; and Sabrina Howard, The Collaboratory.

Albany County Executive Daniel P. McCoy and Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan today welcomed Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences’ Collaboratory into its new home at 200 South Pearl Street during an event for the community.

At the open house, ACPHS President and Professor, Toyin Tofade was joined by MVP Health Care Vice President of Community Engagement, Ellen Sax, to announce new grant funding of $75,在三年多的时间里,从MVP医疗保健公司的企业捐赠计划中获得了5000美元,以支持合作实验室的使命.

“With this new grant from ardent supporter, MVP Health Care, 我们很高兴能够继续我们的使命,为南端社区提供重要的预防性健康检查, medication counseling and public health services,” said ACPHS President and Professor, Toyin Tofade MS, PharmD, BCPS, CPCC, FFIP. “We are so appreciative of this partnership, as well as the ongoing support from both Mayor Sheehan and County Executive McCoy, who recognize The Collaboratory as a vital resource to the community.”

这笔资金将专门用于提供预防性健康检查和药物咨询,并向更多关注慢性病和药物管理的居民扩大服务, such as: reviewing and adjusting residents’ prescription doses, organizing and simplifying residents’ medication regimens, and offering nutritional education. In addition, it will help the Collaboratory connect residents to primary care doctors, insurance, food, transportation and other community resources.

“合作实验室是朝着为奥尔巴尼居民创造公平选择和便利以满足他们的医疗保健需求迈出的重要一步,” said MVP Health Care’s President and CEO, Chris Del Vecchio. “At MVP Health Care, 我们知道,及时获得临床和药品服务对于获得和保持健康至关重要. 这一伙伴关系是我们致力于实现建设最健康社区使命的多种方式的另一个例子. 我们非常自豪地支持ACPHS和合作实验室,并知道我们的投资将真正改善奥尔巴尼居民的健康和福祉.”

自2018年成立以来,公共卫生实践网站以前位于奥尔巴尼房屋管理局的另外两个地点. 新住宅位于奥尔巴尼房屋委员会总部内,提供更多的服务空间, a convenient location for area residents.

Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan said, “我很高兴奥尔巴尼药学院在位于南明珠200号的奥尔巴尼房屋委员会总部开设了合作实验室. 这次大流行凸显了在我们历史上服务最欠缺的社区提供方便和可信赖的医疗服务和资源的重要性, and this is a prime example of the College’s commitment to meeting that need. 在为我们的居民接种疫苗的努力中,ACPHS是一个重要的合作伙伴,我期待着在今后的岁月里通过这一努力和其他努力继续我们的伙伴关系.”

Food as Medicine in the South End

Collaboratory Manager, Sabrina Howard, also announced a new collaboration with several partners to support the Food as Medicine program. The service brings weekly fresh fruit and produce to the community, as well as shelf-stable items to reduce food insecurity, 结合他们与纽约州卫生部的长期合同,向居民提供高血压项目,试图降低他们进一步患心血管疾病的风险.

“在过去的几年里,我们的公共卫生药房团队开展了一个高血压项目,帮助我们社区的200多人提高了他/她对心血管疾病的认识, engage in weekly conversations with our pharmacy technician, track their blood pressure, and most recently we have had our Food as Medicine program for these clients. 我们的许多居家客户依靠我们的食品配送和每周与我们出色的药房团队的对话,尽可能长时间地呆在家里,独立生活,” said Collaboratory Executive Director, Wendy Parker.

The Collaboratory provides access to clinical and pharmacy services. While not replacing primary care, 一站式服务方法使社区成员能够获得所需的支持,避免去急诊室. 合作实验室小组协调并提供范围更广的服务,解决药物管理和卫生知识普及问题, 同时,她还通过三一联盟(Trinity Alliance)担任健康倡导者连接社区(WALC)团队的专家顾问. Together, 合作伙伴提供社区和专业教育,并与其他公共卫生项目合作,以解决与药学有关的系统级改进问题, health care, and to improve individual and community health. In addition, they help community members find a primary care physician, connect to insurance and increase their access to food, transportation and other resources.

“Our community health workers are of, by, and for the community” said Sara Adams, program director at Trinity Alliance. “When you pair together social care experts with clinical experts, a holistic model of care begins to form.”

Since WALC’s inception, Community Health Workers have worked with over 1,250 different community residents to address barriers to preventive healthcare access. 社会关怀与公共卫生药房服务的整合使团队能够实时解决某人可能对药物和/或慢性疾病的任何担忧.  

Educating the Next Generation

Cassandra Todd, ACPHS Public Health Student, performs an A1C screening on ACPHS Dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Anuja Ghorpade

The site also offers ACPHS public health students invaluable experience working with the community. 学生可以扩展他们在课堂上学到的知识,有效地支持南端社区. 该合作实验室还为药学和其他健康科学专业的学生提供了一个参与社区公共卫生的现实世界经验的机会.

Cassandra Todd, a public health student has been working at the site for nearly a full year. According to Parker, 在过去的一年里,托德一直勤奋地工作,将她在公共卫生方面的培训和对实验室科学的兴趣付诸实践,通过在合作实验室和家访期间完成现场实验室测试来帮助社区.

Daniel P. McCoy, Albany County Executive 

“From health insurance navigation and medication literacy to food assistance and housing services, 这个位于伦敦南端的新合作实验室将真正推动健康公平和社会正义. COVID taught us the importance of proactive and preventative medicine, especially in our underserved neighborhoods, however we cannot lose focus now that the worst of the pandemic is behind us,” said Albany County Executive Daniel P. McCoy. “I want to thank MVP Health Care for the generous grant funding that helped make this possible, 以及奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院,感谢他们持续致力于改善我们社区的健康状况.”

About Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Founded in 1881, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (ACPHS) is a private, 独立学院致力于教育下一代领导人,以改善社会的健康. The College offers 12 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including the only Masters of Biomanufacturing and Bioprocessing degree in the state. 学生有无数的机会通过体验式学习机会来扩展他们在课堂上所学的知识,例如在我们的Stack家庭生物制药教育和培训中心(CBET)以及服务不足社区的学生支持药房和公共卫生合作实验室, designed to alleviate community health disparities. 根据乔治城大学教育和劳动力中心的调查,ACPHS在纽约州的最佳投资回报率中排名第一,并被Niche评为A+的价值. For more information, visit