Press Releases


November 16, 2022

Application Deadline Extended until February 28, 2023! 


The NIIMBL eXperience program 旨在为未被充分代表的少数族裔学生(urm)在完成大学一年级或二年级的学习后,提供一瞥生物制药领域的机会.  ACPHS will welcome its 15-student cohort in June 2023. 自2019年3月该项目启动以来,这是NIIMBL首次采用区域托管方式开展该项目.

“NIIMBL体验@ ACPHS为我们学院提供了一个绝佳的机会,可以扩大其影响力,并展示学生可以在生物制药领域追求职业的方式,” said ACPHS President and Professor, Toyin Tofade, MS, PharmD, BCPS, CPCC, FFIP. “我们必须继续使这一领域多样化,ACPHS很高兴在推进这一目标方面发挥不可或缺的作用.”

Beginning on June 4, 2023, CBET, in conjunction with Biomed Innova, Curia Global, Cytiva, Next Advance Inc., the Neural Stem Cell Institute (NSCI), SUNY Polytechnic Institute, and University at Albany’s RNA Institute, 是否将主持一系列旨在说明生物制药行业内广泛的职业道路的节目.

Students will learn about each organization, network with current employees, tour facilities, and carry out simulated work activities. 他们还将学习联邦机构在提供创新治疗以满足未满足的医疗需求方面所发挥的作用.

“在过去的几年里,人们对NIIMBL体验项目的兴趣越来越大. To address the increased demand, NIIMBL set out to expand the program both in geography and in scale,” said John Balchunas, NIIMBL workforce development director. “In piloting this new model, 我们将使每年通过体验项目了解生物制药制造行业职业的参与者人数增加三倍. 这将使学生受益,并有助于解决生物制药制造业面临的招聘问题.”

An Ambitious Agenda

Participants will explore the discovery, biomanufacturing and delivery of therapies including antibody, cell, gene, and mRNA technologies; learn via hands-on activities about nanoscience medicines discuss and view RNA computer simulations and tour a COVID-testing laboratory. In addition, 学生们将参观当地三家突显生物制药行业创新和创业精神的小企业.

As the week progresses, 学生将参观一个开发和生产基地,见证规模化生产和cGMP流程,并讨论生产用于疫苗和治疗的脂质的复杂过程, 以及用于肿瘤治疗的高效“弹头”抗体-药物偶联物的最先进合成平台. 参与者还将亲自动手设置输液袋, learn about blood vials, and make a compounding drug.


“通过召集地区生物制药优势,并将他们与当前的生物制药专业学生联系起来, 参与者参与一个职业支持网络,以确保持续的指导和成功,” said Dr. Michelle Lewis, executive director, CBET. “这个项目为不同的学生找到进入这个新兴职业领域的途径提供了一个极好的机会.”

Interested students can learn more about the NIIMBL eXperience @ ACPHS at Applications are due by January 20, 2023.

NIIMBL是一个公私合作伙伴关系,目标是推动生物制药制造的创新. NIIMBL is part of Manufacturing USA®, 一个由全国14个制造机构组成的网络,将工业聚集在一起, academia, and the public sector to propel promising research and technology developments, accelerate new products to market, and train tomorrow’s workforce in order to secure America’s future. NIIMBL是通过与美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)的合作协议资助的.S. Department of Commerce, and leverages additional support from industry, academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and several state governments. The NIIMBL mission is to accelerate biopharmaceutical innovation, 支持标准的开发,以实现更高效和快速的制造能力, and educate and train a world-leading biopharmaceutical manufacturing workforce, fundamentally advancing U.S. competitiveness in this industry.

这项工作是在美国经济援助奖#70NANB21H086下进行的.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology.


斯塔克家庭生物制药教育和培训中心(CBET)是ACPHS对快速发展的生物制药领域和对受过良好教育的劳动力需求的回应, 生物制药行业发展的关键制约因素之一是什么. 该中心将为学生提供知识和实践经验,为患者带来创新的生物制药. CBET是全国第一个由药学院校创建的培训机构. For more information, visit

About Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Founded in 1881, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (ACPHS) is a private, 独立学院致力于教育下一代领导人,以改善社会的健康. The College offers 12 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, 包括该州唯一的生物制造和生物加工硕士学位. 学生有无数的机会通过体验式学习机会来扩展他们在课堂上所学的知识,例如在我们的Stack家庭生物制药教育和培训中心(CBET)以及服务不足社区的学生支持药房和公共卫生合作实验室, designed to alleviate community health disparities. 根据乔治城大学教育和劳动力中心的调查,ACPHS在纽约州的最佳投资回报率中排名第一,并被Niche评为A+的价值. For more information, visit